Tuesday, 18 May 2010

May 18

If a virus could think as we do, it too would imagine itself to be exceptional.


When, in old age, her last lover died, she declared herself a virgin: untouched by a living hand.


If a man treads on your toe, tread on his, but first remove your foot from under it.


Good prose takes the long way round in pursuit of a shortcut to the reader.


Perhaps only negative perfection is possible. The most luminous success cannot boast the integrity of complete failure.


Behind every aphoristic assertion there should be the watermark of a question.


Banter: what oft was thought but ne'er deemed worth expressing.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

May 4

Eventually, given its mania for conspiracy theories, the radical right will accuse the polluting industries of a scam to keep environmentalists in work.


Thanks to modern communications, we can watch a catastrophe unfold, in real time, on the far side of the world. Technology make us hobbled gods, all seeing yet powerless to intervene.


Virtue belongs to those who resist a talent. You cannot admire the honesty of a lousy liar.


Truth is the goal but plausibility is the destination.


There is privilege inherent in complaint; the powerless know that no one is listening.


Some things must be seen through to be seen.


Know that you're a fool; but don't treat yourself like one.